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Liquid Sunshine (Carrot Orange Juice Recipe)
Pin this recipe for later! Carrots + oranges + lemon + ginger root + turmeric root = liquid sunshine. I mean, it's straight goodness. An instant mood booster. This juice recipe is sweet, tart, and with a slight "bite" from fresh ginger root. You can certainly give it more than a slight bite if you are a ginger lover. Just increase that ginger zing by adding more … Read More →
Filed Under: Alicia's Fav, Blog, Breakfast + Drinks, Current Events, Dairy Free, Ginger, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Healthy Eating, Juice, Just for Two, Lactose Free, Make Your Own..., Nutrition, Paleo, Primal, Sodium Free, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wellness

Super Bowl 2016 Recipe Roundup
HOWDY YA'LL!! Don't ask me where that came from. Maybe it's cause I'm wearing my cowboy boots to work today. Maybe cause it's been a looong week and it's finally Friday. I might be a bit slap happy. Maybe all of the above. Just go with it. Are you ready for Super Bowl 2016? It's pretty darn fun to be in a city whose team is in the big game. The hype is real. Energy … Read More →
Filed Under: Appetizers, Blog, Current Events, Gluten Free Option, Healthy Eating, Paleo Option, Proteins

Candied Ginger Scones
I was never a big fan of scones... until last year. If you're ever in Durango, Colorado, be sure and hit up a local favorite: Bread. Their baked goods, breads, and goodies are amazing. Local coffee shops and even the hospital where I completed by dietetic internship stocked their shelves daily with fresh baked Bread goods. This is where my love of scones was … Read More →
Filed Under: Alicia's Fav, Blog, Desserts, Ginger, Vegetarian

Forget Probiotics, Prebiotics May Have More Benefits
FIRST, let's get down and dirty with prebiotics vs. probiotics. THEN, enjoy a healthy, comforting chili recipe high in prebiotic resistant starch. Did you know that about 90% of the cells that make up your body reside in your digestive tract? That’s right! According to The Journal of Nutrition about 90% of the cells in our body are gut bacteria and the other 10% are … Read More →
Filed Under: Blog, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Ground Meat, Health, Healthy Eating, In the News, Mains, Nutrition, Paleo Option, Prebiotics, Primal, Probiotics, Resistant Starch, Soups & Stews, Wellness, Whole30

Meet Nick: L&L’s First Student Intern!
Meet Nick. Nope, not my brother, Nick, another Nick! Nick Myers, a Miami student. As a Miami grad myself, I was pumped when I got an email from one of my nutrition professors whom I've kept in touch with. She had assigned her students to find a nutrition blog and do a review on the blog. Nick walked into class, pulled up and began his … Read More →
Filed Under: Blog, Current Events, Nutrition, Nutrition Student, Obesity, Personal, Student Intern

A Winning Formula that Generates Countless Dishes
This Weeknight Italian Chicken Pasta is so simple, I'm not even going to give you a recipe. Well... I am, but not a traditional recipe. It's more of a formula. A framework. It's for your own good. You see, I read a really interesting article the other day titled The Myth of Easy Cooking. Tag line: "An entire industry has been built on the premise that creating gourmet … Read More →
Filed Under: Blog, Chicken, Cooking Tips, Diet, Gluten Free Option, Health, Healthy Eating, Mains, Meat, Menu Planning, Nutrition, Pasta, Proteins, Wellness

1 Banana + 2 Egg Pancakes
It's Friiidayyyyyy! Also known lately as Fri-YAY. Ummm, yes please. Are you dreaming of the weekend already? Oh wait, that was happening for me yesterday. Oops. Planning to make yourself a nice brekkie or brunch this weekend? Want to still feel healthy? Did you know you can make delish pancake out of TWO ingredients?? I'm serious. The epitomy of whole foods … Read More →
Filed Under: Alicia's Fav, Blog, Breakfast + Drinks, Cooking Tips, Current Events, Dairy Free, Diet, Eggs, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Health, Healthy Eating, Lactose Free, Nutrition, Paleo, Primal, Vegetarian, Wellness, Whole30

Breakfast Chia Seed Pudding
I am sooo late on this bandwagon. The chia seed pudding bandwagon, that is. On a trip to Chicago last year that included a lunch with my bff and her beau I, finally tried chia seed pudding. We had it as the dessert to top off our to-die-for lunch at Le Pain Quotidien. Wow. Why hadn't I tried this delightful dish yet?! When I got home from that trip? You guessed it. I … Read More →
Filed Under: Blog, Breakfast + Drinks, Cooking Tips, Dairy Free, Diet, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Health, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Paleo, Primal, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wellness, Whole30

Thai Pumpkin Chicken Curry
It's still cold out side. I guess it is winter after all and I'm clearly still in denial. Booooo. At least I get this Colorado sunshine, so I shouldn't complain, but alas, I will. And I'll crave warm chicken curry. What do you do when you crave warm, hearty comfort food and you want to be healthy at the same time? You throw in lots of veggies, amp up the flavor, add … Read More →
Filed Under: Blog, Chicken, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Grain Free, Healthy Eating, Lactose Free, Mains, Meat, Paleo, Primal, Proteins, Soups & Stews, Whole30

Parmesan Chicken Tenders + GIVEAWAY!
"Would you like some chicken with your ketchup??" Yeah, a co-worker said that to me once. We went out to eat on a work trip and like a little kid, I ordered chicken tenders. (Ok, so I wasn't in the mood for a kale salad. It happens. Even to dietitians.) Apparently, I like a lot of ketchup on my chicken tenders. More than the average person, so I've learned. I'm fine … Read More →
Filed Under: Alicia's Fav, Blog, Chicken, Cooking Tips, Healthy Eating, Mains, Meat, Personal, Proteins

Real Diet Talk + My Go-To Avocado Toast
Hiiiii! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Can you believe it’s 2016?! It’s a new year and maybe a new year’s resolution… has your diet or plan to exercise started? I mean what’s a food blog… written by a registered dietitian nonetheless… that doesn’t address this topic in the new year?? It’s an important topic to me, because as you know, I dabbled in diets before, which you can … Read More →
Filed Under: Avocado, Blog, Breakfast + Drinks, Current Events, Dairy Free, Diet, Gluten Free Option, Health, Healthy Eating, Nutrition, Nutrition Myths, Obesity, Personal, Snacks + Apps, Toast, Wellness

Top 10 in 2015
Are you scratching your head too wondering where another year went? I am. This one was a fast one! My heart is filled to the brim as today I get PARTY on my third wedding anniversary with my extended family for my cousin's wedding!! Happy girl. Cause you know otherwise I'd likely be ringing in the new year on my couch. Or in bed by 10 pm. For Laughter and Lemonade, … Read More →
Filed Under: Blog